irretrievably [ɪrɪ'trivəbli]  


irretrievably  [ɪrɪ'trivəbli]

adv. 不能挽回地;不能补救地 

You'll never hear Hastings point that out, however. Unlike many in the tech world, he's a quiet disrupter, sabotaging business models silently and irretrievably. 你将永远不会听到黑斯廷斯指出这一点,但是,与科技世界的众人不同,他是一个安静的破坏者,默默地和不可逆转地破坏着商业模式。
Is Microsoft irretrievably addicted to its old-fashioned, fat client and fat license view of the world? 微软是否已经无可救药地迷失在它过气的、大客户大许可证的世界观中了呢?

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  • adv. 不能挽回地;不能补救地
  • 1. You'll never hear Hastings point that out, however. Unlike many in the tech world, he's a quiet disrupter, sabotaging business models silently and irretrievably.


  • 2. Is Microsoft irretrievably addicted to its old-fashioned, fat client and fat license view of the world?


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