irregularly [ɪ'rɛgjəlɚli]  


irregularly  [ɪ'rɛgjəlɚli]

adv. 不规则地;不整齐地 

Are there a lot of rectangular elements or many irregularly shaped elements? 是否有大量的矩形元素或是众多不规则形态的元素?
Good golfers do better if they give themselves little time to prepare for their shots--and even better if they are distracted by researchers asking them to count irregularly spaced sounds. 优秀的高尔夫球手在击球前准备的时间越少成绩越好—即使被研究人员骚扰,让他们数不规则间隔的声响,最后击球成绩依然不俗。

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  • adv. 不规则地;不整齐地
  • 1. Are there a lot of rectangular elements or many irregularly shaped elements?


  • 2. Good golfers do better if they give themselves little time to prepare for their shots--and even better if they are distracted by researchers asking them to count irregularly spaced sounds.


  • 3. Multiple contiguous or irregularly inserted grouping separators prior to a decimal separator are ignored.


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