intravenously [,intrə'vi:nəsli]  


intravenously  [,intrə'vi:nəsli]

adv. 静脉注射地;通过静脉 

Mr. Jackson repeatedly asked for propofol, and at about 10:40 a.m., Dr. Murray said that he administered the drug intravenously. 杰克逊不停地要求用异丙酚,莫瑞说,大约上午10点40分左右,他给杰克逊静脉注射了这种药。
Officials estimate that well over a million people abuse drugs intravenously in Russia, often sharing and infecting one another with tainted needles. 官方估计在俄罗斯有超过一百万的人在滥用静脉注射毒品,经常的在合用针管因此被污染的针头把他人给感染了。

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  • adv. 静脉注射地;通过静脉
  • 1. Mr. Jackson repeatedly asked for propofol, and at about 10:40 a.m., Dr. Murray said that he administered the drug intravenously.


  • 2. Officials estimate that well over a million people abuse drugs intravenously in Russia, often sharing and infecting one another with tainted needles.


  • 3. Singh's government and members of the opposition have urged Hazare to let doctors feed him intravenously, but the activist has refused.


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