international 英 [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl]   美 [ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl]


international  英 [ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl] 美 [ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl]

adj. 国际的 


We want a peaceful international environment. 我们需要一个和平的国际环境。
international trade 国际贸易;

  • International is an adjective that describes something that involves two or more countries, like international laws that multiple countries obey, or an international flight from France to Japan.
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  • adj. 国际的
  • 1. We want a peaceful international environment.


  • 2. international trade


  • 3. an international airport,an international school,an international company


  • 4. international relations


  • 5. a pianist with an international reputation


  • international (adj.) 1780, coined by Jeremy Bentham from inter- "between" + national (adj.). In the phrase international jurisprudence. He footnotes the word with:
inter·nation·al / ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl ; NAmE ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl / adjective , noun international internationals adjective [usually before noun ] connected with or involving two or more countries 国际的 international trade/law/sport 国际贸易;国际法;国际体育运动 an international airport/school/company 国际机场╱学校╱公司 international relations 国际关系 a pianist with an international reputation 饮誉国际的钢琴家 inter·nation·al·ly / ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəli ; NAmE ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəli / adverb internationally famous 国际知名的 noun 1 ( BrE) a sports competition involving teams from two countries 国际体育比赛 the France-Scotland rugby international 法国对苏格兰的国际橄榄球赛 2 ( BrE) a player who takes part in a sports competition against another country 国际体育比赛选手 a former swimming international 前国际游泳选手 3 ( NAmE) a person from a foreign country 外国人 an English course for internationals 为外国人开设的英语课程 COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 International relations 国际关系 Trade 贸易 facilitate/regulatetrade (with other countries) 促进/规范(与其他国家的)贸易 form/joina trading bloc 建立/加入贸易同盟 live in/compete ina global/the world economy 生存于全球/世界经济中;参与全球/世界经济竞争 support/promotefree trade 支持/促进自由贸易 adopt/call for/opposeprotectionist measures 采取/呼吁/反对保护主义措施 erect/impose/reduce/removetrade barriers 设置/推行/减少/消除贸易壁垒 impose/lift/raise/eliminateimport tariffs (on sth) 征收/取消/提高/废除(某物的)进口关税 have/runa huge/large/growing trade surplus/deficit 有巨额/持续增长的贸易顺差/逆差 embrace/resist/driveglobalization 接受/抵制/推进全球化 Politics and law 政治与法律 conduct/handle/talk about/discussforeign policy 执行/掌控/谈论/讨论外交政策 pursuean aggressive/a hawkish foreign policy 执行强硬的外交政策 require/use/conductdiplomacy 需要/使用/实施外交手段 establish/break off/sever/restorediplomatic relations 建立/中断/断绝/恢复外交关系 foster/promote/strengthenregional cooperation 促进地区间合作 facilitate/achieveeconomic/political integration 促进/实现经济/政治一体化 exercise/defend/protect/transfer/restore/regainnational/state/full/limited sovereignty 行使/维护/保护/移交/恢复/重获民族/国家/全部/部份主权 consolidate/extend/lose/retainyour power (in the region) 巩固/扩张/丧失/保持(区域内的)势力 hold/maintain/change/alter/shift/be a shift inthe balance of power (in the region) 维持/改变(区域内的)势力均衡 cause/create/open/expose/heal/repaira deep/growing/major/serious rift between X and Y 导致/造成/引发/暴露出/弥合/修复 X 与 Y 之间深层次的/不断扩大的/主要的/严重的分歧 Meetings and agreements 会议与协议 have/hold/host/attendan international conference/an economic forum/a G20 summit 召开/举行/主办/出席国际会议/经济论坛/二十国集团峰会 launcha new round of global/multilateral/world trade negotiations 发起新一轮的全球/多边/世界贸易谈判 send/head/lead/meeta high-level/an official/a trade delegation 派遣/领导/带领/会见高层/官方/贸易代表团 begin/start/continue/resumepeace talks 开始/继续/重启和平谈判 be committed to/be opposed to/disrupt/undermine/derail/sabotagethe peace process 致力于/反对/扰乱/损害/干扰/破坏和平进程 negotiate/achievea lasting political settlement 达成/取得长期的政治协议 broker/signa peace deal/agreement/treaty 协商/签署和平协议 Conflict 冲突 be/constitute/posea threat to global security 构成对全球安全的一大威胁 compromise/endanger/protectnational security 损害/危及/保护国家安全 justify/be in favour of/( especially US) be in favor of/be againstmilitary intervention 证明军事干预合理;支持/反对军事干预 threaten/authorize/launch/take/support/opposeunilateral/pre-emptive military action 扬言采取/授权使用/发起/采取/支持/反对单边的/先发制人的军事行动 impose/enforce/lift/endeconomic sanctions/an arms embargo/a naval blockade 强制实行/解除经济制裁/武器禁运/海上封锁 close/protect/secure/patrolthe border 封锁/保卫边境;在边境地区巡逻 lead/be involved ina peacekeeping operation 领导/参与维和行动 Aid 援助 negotiate/announcea $15 billion aid package/an economic stimulus package 达成/宣布 150 亿元的一套援助计划/刺激经济的一揽子计划 send/provide/request/cut offmilitary aid 派遣/提供/请求/中断军事援助 bring/provideemergency/humanitarian relief 带来/提供紧急/人道主义救助 deliver/distributemedical supplies/( BrE) food parcels 运送/分发医疗用品/食品包 fund/runa foreign/a local/an international NGO 资助/管理外国/当地/国际非政府组织 reduce/eradicatechild/global/world poverty 减少/根除儿童/全球性/世界性贫困 inter·nation·al / ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəl ; NAmE ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl / inter·nation·al·ly / ˌɪntəˈnæʃnəli ; NAmE ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəli /
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