interest rate 英 [ˈintrist reit]   美 [ˈɪntrɪst ret]

interest rate

interest rate  英 [ˈintrist reit] 美 [ˈɪntrɪst ret]

phrase. [金融] 利率 

名词复数:interest rates 

They could borrow at an interest rate only a bit over the Treasury rate and then accumulate large portfolios of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities earning the market rate. 它们能够以仅比国债利率高出那么一丁点的利息借钱,然后积累大量住房抵押贷款和住房抵押贷款债券,凭借市场利率赚钱。
Some bankers claim the system benefits debit card users, allowing them to keep spending when they are out of money. But interest rate calculations tell a different story. 一些银行家辩称该系统有益于借记卡用户,令到他们缺钱时仍能保持消费,但是利率计算告诉我们完全不同的故事。

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  • phrase. [金融] 利率
  • 1. They could borrow at an interest rate only a bit over the Treasury rate and then accumulate large portfolios of mortgages and mortgage-backed securities earning the market rate.


  • 2. Some bankers claim the system benefits debit card users, allowing them to keep spending when they are out of money. But interest rate calculations tell a different story.


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