insistently [in'sistəntli]  


insistently  [in'sistəntli]

adv. 坚持地;强求地 

I was interested in it and I felt I was just like them, working hard and insistently and focusing myself on my target all the time. 这是我感兴趣,望着这些蚕固执地、勤奋地工作着,我感到我和它们非常相似,像它们一样,我总是吧耐心集中在一个目标上。
But his Joker is a creature of such ghastly life, and the performance is so visceral, creepy and insistently present that the characterization pulls you in almost at once. 但是他的小丑是一个人生如此糟糕的角色,他的表演是如此发自内心、令人恐惧、仿佛亲临其境,因此他的角色立刻吸引住你。

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  • adv. 坚持地;强求地
  • 1. I was interested in it and I felt I was just like them, working hard and insistently and focusing myself on my target all the time.


  • 2. But his Joker is a creature of such ghastly life, and the performance is so visceral, creepy and insistently present that the characterization pulls you in almost at once.


  • 3. Spotty followed Ted about, barking insistently, then darting toward a nearby empty lot and back, as if to say, “Follow me!


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