insensitive 英 [ɪnˈsensətɪv]   美 [ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv]


insensitive  英 [ɪnˈsensətɪv] 美 [ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv]

adj. 感觉迟钝的,对…没有感觉的 


She says his troubles in middle school had little to do with problems at home, and everything to do with insensitive teachers. 她说,他的问题是在学校里,几乎跟家里没有什么关系,一切都怨学校里那些冷酷的教师。
Even the New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, did not know about it, and said it was "insensitive" to fly so near the site of the 2001 attacks. 甚至纽约市市长迈克尔.布隆伯格也不知道这回事,他说飞得距2001年袭击事件的遗址如此之近实在是“欠考虑”。

  • When you're insensitive, you're not feeling something. You can be insensitive to the weather or other people's problems.
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  • adj. 感觉迟钝的,对…没有感觉的
  • 1. She says his troubles in middle school had little to do with problems at home, and everything to do with insensitive teachers.


  • 2. Even the New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, did not know about it, and said it was "insensitive" to fly so near the site of the 2001 attacks.


  • 3. Photosynthesis is modulated by oxygen, and we have an oxygen-insensitive hydrogenase that we think will totally change this process.


  • insensitive (adj.) c. 1600, "having little or no reaction to what is perceived by one's senses," from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + sensitive. For sense, see insensate. From 1834 as "having little or no mental or moral sensitiveness;" meaning "without consideration for the feelings of others" attested by 1974. Related: Insensitively.
in·sensi·tive / ɪnˈsensətɪv ; NAmE ɪnˈsensətɪv / adjective 1 not realizing or caring how other people feel, and therefore likely to hurt or offend them (对他人的感受)未意识到的,漠不关心的 SYN unsympathetic an insensitive remark 冷漠的言语 insensitiveto sth She's completely insensitive to my feelings. 她全然不顾我的感情。 2 insensitive(to sth) not aware of changing situations, and therefore of the need to react to them (对变化)懵然不知的,麻木不仁的 The government seems totally insensitive to the mood of the country. 政府似乎对全国民众的心情完全懵然不知。 3 insensitive(to sth) not able to feel or react to sth (对某事物)无感觉,无反应 insensitive to pain/cold 感觉不到疼痛╱寒冷 He seems completely insensitive to criticism. 他似乎对批评麻木不仁。 OPP sensitive in·sensi·tive·ly / ɪnˈsensətɪvli ; NAmE ɪnˈsensətɪvli / adverb in·sensi·tiv·ity / ɪnˌsensəˈtɪvəti ; NAmE ɪnˌsensəˈtɪvəti / noun [uncountable ] insensitivity insensitivities in·sensi·tive / ɪnˈsensətɪv ; NAmE ɪnˈsensətɪv / in·sensi·tive·ly / ɪnˈsensətɪvli ; NAmE ɪnˈsensətɪvli / in·sensi·tiv·ity / ɪnˌsensəˈtɪvəti ; NAmE ɪnˌsensəˈtɪvəti /
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