ink 英 [ɪŋk]   美 [ɪŋk]


ink  英 [ɪŋk] 美 [ɪŋk]

vt. 签署;涂墨水于  n. 墨水,墨汁;油墨 

进行时:inking  过去式:inked  过去分词:inked  第三人称单数:inks  名词复数:inks 

written in ink 用墨水写的
a pen and ink drawing 钢笔画

  • Ink is a colored liquid that you use to write with on paper. When you sign on the dotted line, you usually do so with ink.
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  • vt. 签署;涂墨水于
  • n. 墨水,墨汁;油墨
  • 1. written in ink


  • 2. a pen and ink drawing


  • 3. different coloured inks


  • 4. The group has just inked a $10 million deal.

    这个集团刚刚签订了一份 1 000 万元的协议。

ink / ɪŋk ; NAmE ɪŋk / noun , verb ink inks inked inking noun [uncountable ,  countable ] coloured liquid for writing, drawing and printing 墨水;墨汁;油墨 written in ink 用墨水写的 a pen and ink drawing 钢笔画 different coloured inks 各种颜色的墨水 see also inky verb 1 inksth to cover sth with ink so that it can be used for printing 给…上油墨(以供印刷) 2 inksth ( NAmE) ( informal) to sign a document, especially a contract 签署,签订(合同等) The group has just inked a $10 million deal. 这个集团刚刚签订了一份 1 000 万元的协议。 PHRASAL VERB ˌink sth↔ˈin to write or draw in ink over sth that has already been written or drawn in pencil 给(铅笔画或底线)上墨;用墨水加描 ( figurative) The date for the presentation should have been inked in (= made definite)by now. 演出的日期现在应该敲定了。 ink / ɪŋk ; NAmE ɪŋk /
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