infrequently [ɪn'frikwəntli]  


infrequently  [ɪn'frikwəntli]

adv. 很少发生地;稀少地 

The data can either be too large or infrequently accessed to keep in memory, or it should persist across restarts. 这类数据可能是很大的,也可能是不经常访问只是在内存中保留,或者在重启时保持存在。
If it runs infrequently or is not causing production issues and is part of the workload, we'll tune it for next week during our weekly maintenance. 如果它很少运行或没有导致生产问题并且是工作负载的一部分,我们将在下周维护期间对它进行调优。

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  • adv. 很少发生地;稀少地
  • 1. The data can either be too large or infrequently accessed to keep in memory, or it should persist across restarts.


  • 2. If it runs infrequently or is not causing production issues and is part of the workload, we'll tune it for next week during our weekly maintenance.


  • 3. You may not, however, want to use this option in a database in which documents are accessed infrequently or there is no last accessed date to track, for example, in a help desk application.


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