informally [in'fɔ:məli]  


informally  [in'fɔ:məli]

adv. 非正式地;不拘礼节地 

Even if you're doing this informally, write your results down -- they can help you and your users later. 即使您在非正式地这样做,也请写下您的结果 - 它们以后也可以向您和您的用户提供帮助。
But at this point we have not made a decision to formally ask them, or informally ask them, to reduce staff further. 但是,目前我们还没有作出决定是否要正式或非正式地要求他们进一步减少外交工作人员。

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  • adv. 非正式地;不拘礼节地
  • 1. Even if you're doing this informally, write your results down -- they can help you and your users later.

    即使您在非正式地这样做,也请写下您的结果 - 它们以后也可以向您和您的用户提供帮助。

  • 2. But at this point we have not made a decision to formally ask them, or informally ask them, to reduce staff further.


  • 3. However you use it -- informally, formally, extensively, or casually -- UML is the lingua franca of software development.

    无你非正式地,正式地,广泛地,或偶然地使用它,UML 是软件开发的混合语言。

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