inflexibility [ɪn,flɛksə'bɪləti]  


inflexibility  [ɪn,flɛksə'bɪləti]

n. 不屈性,缺乏弹性;顽固;不变性 


One sibling can trigger a mother's inflexibility or anger or dependence, while another evokes protectiveness and empathy. 一个孩子可以惹出母亲的顽固或愤怒或依赖,同时另一个孩子又唤起母亲的保护和同情心理。
In this global era our real enemies are inflexibility, proprietary systems and “walled gardens” that let the elite in but leave the rest out. 在这个全球化时代,我们真正的敌人是顽固不化、独占体制,以及只准精英通行、将其余人等拒之门外的“有围墙的花园”。

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  • n. 不屈性,缺乏弹性;顽固;不变性
  • 1. One sibling can trigger a mother's inflexibility or anger or dependence, while another evokes protectiveness and empathy.


  • 2. In this global era our real enemies are inflexibility, proprietary systems and “walled gardens” that let the elite in but leave the rest out.


  • 3. IT costs: The inflexibility in the non-integrated enterprise causes an exponential increase in time and cost to implement new business requirements.

    IT 成本:非集成的企业中的不灵活性导致实现新业务需求的时间和成本呈指数上升。

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