inexplicably [ɪn'ɛksplɪkəbli]  


inexplicably  [ɪn'ɛksplɪkəbli]

adv. 说不清的;无法说明地;令人难以理解地 

Carbon dioxide is inexplicably a mere trace gas when it should be the bulk of the air, as it is on other planets. 令人费解的是,二氧化碳理应像在其他行星那样成为大气的主要成分,却仅仅是一种示踪气体。
Thus far, the biggest shortcoming of the current client/server design is that I inexplicably forgot to have a version number field in the interface. 到目前为止,当前客户机/服务器设计最大的缺点是:我不知道怎么回事儿忘了在接口中包含版本号字段。

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  • adv. 说不清的;无法说明地;令人难以理解地
  • 1. Carbon dioxide is inexplicably a mere trace gas when it should be the bulk of the air, as it is on other planets.


  • 2. Thus far, the biggest shortcoming of the current client/server design is that I inexplicably forgot to have a version number field in the interface.


  • 3. There was no one left to identify with, just a series of inexplicably unpleasant events befalling them all.


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