industrialized [inˈdʌstriəlaizd]  


industrialized  [inˈdʌstriəlaizd]

adj. 工业化的  v. 使工业化;将…组成产业(industrialize的过去分词) 

We are now living in a highly industrialized world. 我们生活在一个高度工业化的世界。
Why are the United States of America and other industrialized countries avoiding use of thiomersal in vaccines if there is no proven safety risk ? 如果没有证据表明存在安全风险,为什么美国和其他工业化国家仍避免在疫苗中使用硫柳汞?

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  • adj. 工业化的
  • v. 使工业化;将…组成产业(industrialize的过去分词)
  • 1. We are now living in a highly industrialized world.


  • 2. Why are the United States of America and other industrialized countries avoiding use of thiomersal in vaccines if there is no proven safety risk ?


  • 3. One of these is increasing vaccine production capacity, including through building new production facilities in developing and/or industrialized countries.


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