industrialization [ɪn,dʌstrɪəlɪ'zeʃən]  


industrialization  [ɪn,dʌstrɪəlɪ'zeʃən]

n. 工业化 


And, at this point, traces of industrialization can only be found in sediments in Europe. 而在这一点上,工业化的痕迹只在欧洲的沉积物中找到。
With the industrialization of food production and the globalization of its marketing, efforts to ensure food safety likewise take on an international dimension. 随着食品生产的工业化及其销售的全球化,努力确保食品安全的工作也同样具有了国际意义。

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  • n. 工业化
  • 1. And, at this point, traces of industrialization can only be found in sediments in Europe.


  • 2. With the industrialization of food production and the globalization of its marketing, efforts to ensure food safety likewise take on an international dimension.


  • 3. “We’re at a stage of unprecedented industrialization, but there have to be better ways to handle the problem,” said Mr. Ma, whose organization has a registry of environmental scofflaws.

    “我们处于前所未有的工业化阶段,但是总有更好的方法可以处理这个问题。” 马军说到,他的机构表达过对于现在环境保护法律的不满。

  • industrialization (n.) 1883, noun of action from industrialize (q.v.).
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