indisputably [,ɪndɪ'spjʊtəbli]  


indisputably  [,ɪndɪ'spjʊtəbli]

adv. 无争论余地地 

Yet even though he was indisputably the most active and influential vice president in history, there was still a gap between perception and reality. 然而,尽管他毫无争议是历史上最积极、最有影响力的副总统,但感知和现实之间还是有一定差距。
Several thousand PLA troops are indisputably stationed in the Khunjerab Pass on the Xinjiang border to protect the Karakoram highway, which PLA soldiers are now repairing in several places. 毋庸置疑的是,为了保卫喀拉昆仑公路,几千名解放军正驻扎在新疆边境的红其拉普关卡,这些士兵目前正在几处地方进行修整。

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  • adv. 无争论余地地
  • 1. Yet even though he was indisputably the most active and influential vice president in history, there was still a gap between perception and reality.


  • 2. Several thousand PLA troops are indisputably stationed in the Khunjerab Pass on the Xinjiang border to protect the Karakoram highway, which PLA soldiers are now repairing in several places.


  • 3. In its modern form, however, the "beautiful game”is indisputably English in origin.


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