indifference 英 [ɪnˈdɪfrəns]   美 [ɪnˈdɪfərəns, -ˈdɪfrəns]


indifference  英 [ɪnˈdɪfrəns] 美 [ɪnˈdɪfərəns, -ˈdɪfrəns]

n. 漠不关心;冷淡;不重视;中立 


He swung from mere indifference to outright scorn. 一开始他还只是漠不关心,后来竟变得冷嘲热讽起来。
We talk about the surface emotions, the ire or indifference, and blame the other. 我们讨论表面的情绪、忿怒或是漠不关心,并且责怪另一方。

  • Indifference is the trait of lacking interest or enthusiasm in things. When you feel indifference for something, you neither like it nor dislike it.
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  • n. 漠不关心;冷淡;不重视;中立
  • 1. He swung from mere indifference to outright scorn.


  • 2. We talk about the surface emotions, the ire or indifference, and blame the other.


  • 3. Instead, there is a surprising indifference to the fate of this indigenous people, who also live in northern Norway, Finland and Russia.


  • indifference (n.) mid-15c., "quality of being neither good nor bad, neutral quality," from Latin indifferentia "want of difference, similarity," abstract noun from indifferentem (see indifferent). From late 15c. as "lack of prejudice, impartiality;" from 1650s as "state of being apathetic." Meaning "comparative mediocrity, inexcellence"" is from 1864.
in·dif·fer·ence / ɪnˈdɪfrəns ; NAmE ɪnˈdɪfrəns / noun [uncountable ,  singular ] indifference(to sb/sth) a lack of interest, feeling or reaction towards sb/sth 漠不关心;冷淡;不感兴趣;无动于衷 his total indifference to what people thought of him 他对别人怎么看他丝毫不在乎的态度 What she said is a matter of complete indifferenceto me. 她的话对于我来说完全无关紧要。 Their father treated them with indifference. 他们的父亲对他们漠不关心。 an indifference to the needs of others 对于他人的需要置若罔闻 in·dif·fer·ence / ɪnˈdɪfrəns ; NAmE ɪnˈdɪfrəns /
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