indeterminacy 英 [ˌɪndɪ'tɜ:mɪnəsɪ]   美 [ˌɪndɪˈtɚmənəsi]


indeterminacy  英 [ˌɪndɪ'tɜ:mɪnəsɪ] 美 [ˌɪndɪˈtɚmənəsi]

phrase. 不确定;[数] 不确定性 


Schrödinger, along with Einstein and de Broglie, opposed the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, troubled by its indeterminacy. 薛定谔与爱因斯坦、德·布罗意一道,因困扰于其不可测性而反对量子力学上的哥本哈根诠释。
Political philosophy exists and only exists " in that call it "zone of indeterminacy" between the "is" and the "ought " between the actual and the ideal. 政治哲学存在,且仅存于,所谓的“不确定区域“,界于“是“与“该是“之间“,即现实与理想之间。

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  • phrase. 不确定;[数] 不确定性
  • 1. Schrödinger, along with Einstein and de Broglie, opposed the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, troubled by its indeterminacy.


  • 2. Political philosophy exists and only exists " in that call it "zone of indeterminacy" between the "is" and the "ought " between the actual and the ideal.


  • 3. Heisenberg established indeterminacy as a basic quantum principle, in accordance with the Copenhagen interpretation—so named because Bohr, who refined the concept, was based in Copenhagen.


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