indentured [in'dentʃəd]  


indentured  [in'dentʃəd]

adj. 受契约束缚的  v. 以契约约束;签订契约(indenture的过去分词) 

In modern Japan, girls are not sold into indentured service, nor are they coerced into sexual relations. 在现代日本,女孩不会因为契约而进行性服务,也不会被迫发生性关系。
Some poor parents sell the children to affluent Haitians as indentured servants, or restaveks—from rester avec. 一些家境贫困的孩子被自己的父母作为契约佣工卖给海地的富人。

  • To be indentured is to be forced to work by some contract. It started out as a word for a contract between masters and apprentices. Now it describes anyone bound to work, like it or not, because of some deal.
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  • adj. 受契约束缚的
  • v. 以契约约束;签订契约(indenture的过去分词)
  • 1. In modern Japan, girls are not sold into indentured service, nor are they coerced into sexual relations.


  • 2. Some poor parents sell the children to affluent Haitians as indentured servants, or restaveks—from rester avec.


  • 3. Even the most patriotic humans can't compare: “It'd be like having an American flag tattooed to you at birth,” he says. “They are permanently indentured to their society.


  • indentured (adj.) "bound by indenture," 1748 (in indentured servant), past-participle adjective from indenture (v.).
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