incongruously [ɪn'kɑŋgrʊəsli]  


incongruously  [ɪn'kɑŋgrʊəsli]

adv. 不调和地 

A massive Howitzer points into the sky as if preparing to bombard London – but it is carved, incongruously, in stone. 一支巨型榴弹炮指向天空,似乎正要向伦敦开火,然而这支榴弹炮却是用石头雕刻的。
So, too, is the folkloric vision of women as midwives to the warrior's rebirth, incongruously offered to readers who live in a world where a returning warrior might well be a woman herself. 同样具有代表性的是民间传统观念,认为女人是帮助战士重生的人,不协调的是,在读者所生活的世界,回归的战士可能正是一个女人。

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  • adv. 不调和地
  • 1. A massive Howitzer points into the sky as if preparing to bombard London – but it is carved, incongruously, in stone.


  • 2. So, too, is the folkloric vision of women as midwives to the warrior's rebirth, incongruously offered to readers who live in a world where a returning warrior might well be a woman herself.


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