incompletely [,ɪnkəm'plitli]  


incompletely  [,ɪnkəm'plitli]

adv. 不完全地 

Carbon monoxide is released when carbon in fuel—both plants and fossil fuels like gasoline—burns incompletely. 当作为燃料的碳——包括植物和化石燃料比如汽油——不完全燃烧时,就会产生一氧化碳。
The researchers found that the effect of soot, which is incompletely burned fuel, would dwarf that of the carbon dioxide emissions from the launches. 研究者发现,燃料不完全燃烧产生的烟尘,会使发射过程中产生的二氧化碳的排放量减少。

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  • adv. 不完全地
  • 1. Carbon monoxide is released when carbon in fuel—both plants and fossil fuels like gasoline—burns incompletely.


  • 2. The researchers found that the effect of soot, which is incompletely burned fuel, would dwarf that of the carbon dioxide emissions from the launches.


  • 3. incompletely thought through decisions at these phases of the product lifecycle often crop up further down the line when it comes time release and maintain the software product.


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