inadequately [ɪn'ædəkwɪtli]  


inadequately  [ɪn'ædəkwɪtli]

adv. 不适当地;不够好地 

What is often lacking, or inadequately expressed, is an explanation of how and why the research is relevant to the public at large. 这类报道中经常缺乏的、或者表现不充分的,是向大家解释被报道的研究为何与公众有关。
Most schools have poor accountability systems and inadequately track student outcomes. They have little information about what works. 大多数社区学校有没有健全的问责制度以及不够完备的追踪学生的学业成果的制度。

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  • adv. 不适当地;不够好地
  • 1. What is often lacking, or inadequately expressed, is an explanation of how and why the research is relevant to the public at large.


  • 2. Most schools have poor accountability systems and inadequately track student outcomes. They have little information about what works.


  • 3. He adds that biofuels research in Africa is inadequately funded, with most of it coming from governments and conducted in universities.


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