- Inaccuracy is the quality of having errors. A travel guide to Iowa's capital, Pearis, population 413, home of the Dallas Cowboys baseball team, would be plagued by inaccuracy.
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- n. 错误;不精确
1. Others are quicker to forgive the inaccuracy of this film because it's also replete with winking anachronisms.
2. Some of the inaccuracy of software models can be blamed on the extremely detailed and sensitive nature of current programming language technologies.
3. In short, only a subset of the population (the squeaky wheels) will participate, significantly limiting the sample pool and possibly skewing the results with personal bias and inaccuracy.
- inaccuracy (n.) 1701, "quality or condition of being inaccurate," from inaccurate + abstract noun suffix -cy. As "an instance of being inaccurate, that which is inaccurate," 1704.
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