in place  

in place

in place 

phrase. 适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置 

So yes, you can use it in place of RAD. 因此,答案是肯定的,可以使用它代替 RAD。
Almost nobody knows how many services are in place, where they are or what they do. 几乎没人知道究竟存在多少服务,它们位于哪些位置,它们可以做什么。

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  • phrase. 适当,适当的;在适当的地方,在恰当的位置
  • 1. So yes, you can use it in place of RAD.

    因此,答案是肯定的,可以使用它代替 RAD。

  • 2. Almost nobody knows how many services are in place, where they are or what they do.


  • 3. This grouping, as mentioned above, has everything to do with the branching strategy currently in place.


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