imprisoned 英 [ɪm'prɪznd]  


imprisoned  英 [ɪm'prɪznd]

adj. 被封印,被囚禁的 

The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government. 这些人因密谋反对政府而被监禁。
The cries of those imprisoned in the fallen buildings were heart-rending. 被困于倒塌大楼里的人们的哭喊声令人心碎。

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  • adj. 被封印,被囚禁的
  • 1. The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government.


  • 2. The cries of those imprisoned in the fallen buildings were heart-rending.


  • 3. At one point, standing on a runway in the dark, Chávez points to a building where he was imprisoned during a coup and where some of his men lost their lives.

    在一个镜头中,查韦斯站在黑暗中的跑道上,指向远方的一栋建筑。 在一次政变中他他曾被囚禁在那里,并失去了他的几个得力助手。

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