imperialistic 英 [ɪmˌpɪərɪə'lɪstɪk]   美 [ɪmˌpɪərɪr'lɪstɪk]


imperialistic  英 [ɪmˌpɪərɪə'lɪstɪk] 美 [ɪmˌpɪərɪr'lɪstɪk]

adj. 帝国主义的;帝国主义者的;拥护帝国主义的 

EXTEND】An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighboring countries. 帝国主义国家将它的势力和影响扩展至邻近国家。
Respected magazines all over Europe have used on their cover pages menacing images of fiery dragons spewing banknotes or contemporary Maos with imperialistic designs on the continent. 欧洲各地权威杂志的封面上,来势汹汹的龙向欧洲大陆喷射钞票或者是印有帝国主义标志的当代人物形象。

  • A government is imperialistic if it places the importance of its own strength and size over the rights and happiness of the world's people.
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  • adj. 帝国主义的;帝国主义者的;拥护帝国主义的
  • 1. EXTEND】An imperialistic country extends its power and influence into neighboring countries.


  • 2. Respected magazines all over Europe have used on their cover pages menacing images of fiery dragons spewing banknotes or contemporary Maos with imperialistic designs on the continent.


  • 3. 'A minority fighting against a colonial and imperialistic power ─ this happens everywhere in the world, ' he said.


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