impatiens 英 [ɪm'pætɪenz]   美 [ɪm'peʃənz]


impatiens  英 [ɪm'pætɪenz] 美 [ɪm'peʃənz]

n. 凤仙花属植物 

Thus far, the begonias and impatiens and kalanchoes in the planters all looked to be intact. 到目前为止,花盆里的秋海棠、凤仙花和伽蓝菜看起来还是完好无缺的。
Researchers say the roots alert plants to the relationship of nearby plants, because when impatiens were planted near siblings but in separate pots, they didn’t recognize their kin. 研究者们称,是它们的根系识别出了周围的植物是否和自己存在亲缘关系,因为把两株存在“亲戚关系”的凤仙花分别栽种在不同的花盆里再并排放置,它们并没有认出彼此。

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  • n. 凤仙花属植物
  • 1. Thus far, the begonias and impatiens and kalanchoes in the planters all looked to be intact.


  • 2. Researchers say the roots alert plants to the relationship of nearby plants, because when impatiens were planted near siblings but in separate pots, they didn’t recognize their kin.


  • 3. But when those same impatiens were planted with other impatiens—but not their siblings—they put more energy into growing more and larger leaves that could crowd out the nonrelatives.


  • impatiens (n.) type of flowering plant, from Latin impatiens "impatient" (see impatient). So called in reference to the valves of the seed pods, which discharge forcibly at a slight touch.
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