illegally   美 [ɪ'ligəli]


illegally  美 [ɪ'ligəli]

adv. 非法地 

One, you enter the country illegally, with no visa. 第一,你非法进入这个国家,你没有签证。
We consider sea bandits [to be] those who illegally fish and dump in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas. 我们认为那些在我们的海域里非法捕捞和倾倒废料并携带武器耀武扬威的人才是海上的强盗。

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  • adv. 非法地
  • 1. One, you enter the country illegally, with no visa.


  • 2. We consider sea bandits [to be] those who illegally fish and dump in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas.


  • 3. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that about 8% of all children born in the US in 2008 have parents who are in the country illegally.


  • illegally (adv.) 1620s, from illegal (adj.) + -ly (2).
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