ill-founded 英 [ˈɪlˈfaʊndɪd]   美 [ˈɪlˈfaʊndɪd]


ill-founded  英 [ˈɪlˈfaʊndɪd] 美 [ˈɪlˈfaʊndɪd]

adj. 无正当理由的;无确实根据的 


For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof. 虽然你的指斥都没有根据,都是听到人家以讹传讹,可是我那次对你的态度,实在应该受到最严厉的责备。
These worries may prove ill-founded. But until they do, they promote pessimism and the hoarding of cash, by consumers and companies alike, that further weaken the economy. 这种担心也许会被证明根据不足,但是直到被证明之前,它们确实引起了消费者和公司的悲观情绪以及现金囤积,这只会进一步地削弱经济。

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  • adj. 无正当理由的;无确实根据的
  • 1. For, though your accusations were ill-founded, formed on mistaken premises, my behaviour to you at the time had merited the severest reproof.


  • 2. These worries may prove ill-founded. But until they do, they promote pessimism and the hoarding of cash, by consumers and companies alike, that further weaken the economy.


  • 3. I think that these are all the same question, founded on the same implicit but ill-founded assumption: that risk equates to danger.


ˌill-ˈfounded / ; NAmE / adjective ( formal) not based on fact or truth 凭空的;无根据的;毫无理由的 All our fears proved ill-founded. 我们所有的担心结果都证明是杞人忧天。 OPP well founded ˌill-ˈfounded / ; NAmE /
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