ill-conceived 英 [ˈɪlkənˈsi:vd]   美 [ˈɪlkənˈsivd]


ill-conceived  英 [ˈɪlkənˈsi:vd] 美 [ˈɪlkənˈsivd]

adj. 构想拙劣的;计划不周的 

The risk is that they bring in bad policies. One such would be maintaining the government’s support for Mr Kamei’s ill-conceived reversal of the postal privatisation. 风险是他们带来了不良政策,其一就是保持政府支持静香先生进行邮政私有化而产生构想拙劣的逆转。
An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee. 一个构思欠佳的研究计划会毁了整个项目,即使它勉强通过了论文答辩委员会。

  • An ill-conceived idea is one that hasn't been carefully considered. Your ill-conceived plan to ride your skateboard from New York to California is bound to turn out badly.
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  • adj. 构想拙劣的;计划不周的
  • 1. The risk is that they bring in bad policies. One such would be maintaining the government’s support for Mr Kamei’s ill-conceived reversal of the postal privatisation.


  • 2. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project even if it somehow gets through the Thesis Supervisory Committee.


  • 3. One such would be maintaining the government's support for Mr Kamei's ill-conceived reversal of the postal privatisation.


ˌill-conˈceived / ; NAmE / adjective badly planned or designed 考虑不周的;构想拙劣的 ˌill-conˈceived / ; NAmE /
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