iffy 英 [ˈɪfi]   美 [ˈɪfi]


iffy  英 [ˈɪfi] 美 [ˈɪfi]

adj. 未确定的;富于偶然性的;可疑的 

But because a court in Liverpool also found him guilty of bigamy and fraud, with all the charges bundled together, his case provides an iffy precedent, if one at all. 该男子目前已被定罪,却是因为利物浦一法院还判定他犯有重婚和诈骗等罪行。 这一数罪并罚的案件提供了一个模棱两可的先例,如果也算是一个先例的话。
The combination of inattention, slow reflexes, and iffy brakes plowed me right into the back of the black car, driving my jaw into the steering wheel, which promptly broke in half. 注意力不集中、反应慢、刹车不灵——所有这些让我正好撞到了那辆黑车的后部,下巴撞到了方向盘上,方向盘立即被撞成了两半。

  • When something's iffy, it's uncertain. You might want to reschedule your picnic if the weather looks iffy.
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  • adj. 未确定的;富于偶然性的;可疑的
  • 1. But because a court in Liverpool also found him guilty of bigamy and fraud, with all the charges bundled together, his case provides an iffy precedent, if one at all.

    该男子目前已被定罪,却是因为利物浦一法院还判定他犯有重婚和诈骗等罪行。 这一数罪并罚的案件提供了一个模棱两可的先例,如果也算是一个先例的话。

  • 2. The combination of inattention, slow reflexes, and iffy brakes plowed me right into the back of the black car, driving my jaw into the steering wheel, which promptly broke in half.


  • 3. In the iffy times, the strongest cities are close to capitals, to City Halls, the most dependable arteries to government spending.


  • iffy (adj.) 1937, American English, from if + -y (2). Originally associated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
iffy / ˈɪfi ; NAmE ˈɪfi / adjective ( informal) 1 ( especially BrE) not in perfect condition; bad in some way 不完美的;有点坏的 That meat smells a bit iffy to me. 那块肉闻起来有点变质了。 2 not certain 未确定的 The weather looks slightly iffy. 看来天气有些不稳定。 iffy iffier iffiest iffy / ˈɪfi ; NAmE ˈɪfi /
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