identity 英 [aɪˈdentəti]   美 [aɪˈdɛntɪti]


identity  英 [aɪˈdentəti] 美 [aɪˈdɛntɪti]

n. 身份;一致;特征 


His real identity was surprised by me. 我无意间发现了他的真实身份。
What is my identity? 我的身份是什么?

  • Your identity is what makes you "you." If you are having "an identity crisis," then I guess you can't figure out who you are. Good luck with that.
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  • n. 身份;一致;特征
  • 1. His real identity was surprised by me.


  • 2. What is my identity?


  • 3. Passports are frequently serviceable in proving the identity of the traveller.


  • identity (n.) c. 1600, "sameness, oneness, state of being the same," from Middle French identité (14c.), from Medieval Latin identitatem (nominative identitas) "sameness," ultimately from Latin idem (neuter) "the same" (see idem). [For discussion of Latin formation, see entry in OED.] Earlier form of the word in English was idemptitie (1560s), from Medieval Latin idemptitas. Term identity crisis first recorded 1954. Identity theft attested from 1995. Identity politics is attested by 1987.
iden·tity AWL / aɪˈdentəti ; NAmE aɪˈdentəti / noun ( plural iden·tities ) 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] ( abbr.ID ) who or what sb/sth is 身分;本身;本体 The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. 警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身分。 Their identities were kept secret. 他们的身分保密。 She is innocent; it was a case of mistaken identity. 她是无辜的;那是身分判断错误。 Do you have any proof of identity? 你有身分证明吗? The thief used a false identity. 窃贼使用的是假身分。 She went through an identity crisisin her teens (= was not sure of who she was or of her place in society). 她在十多岁时经历了一次自我认同的危机。 2 [countable ,  uncountable ] the characteristics, feelings or beliefs that distinguish people from others 特征;特有的感觉(或信仰) a sense of national/cultural/personal/group identity 民族╱文化╱个人╱群体特性的认同感 a plan to strengthen the corporate identityof the company 加强公司的企业形象的计划 3 [uncountable ] identity(with sb/sth) | identity(between A and B) the state or feeling of being very similar to and able to understand sb/sth 同一性;相同;一致 an identity of interests 利益一致 There's a close identity between fans and their team. 球迷和他们的球队之间有密切的同一性。 identity identities iden·tity / aɪˈdentəti ; NAmE aɪˈdentəti /
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