identify 英 [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ]   美 [aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ]


identify  英 [aɪˈdentɪfaɪ] 美 [aɪˈdɛntəˌfaɪ]

vt. 确认;找到 

进行时:identifying  过去式:identified  过去分词:identified  第三人称单数:identifies 

She was able to identify her attacker. 她认出了袭击她的人。
First of all we must identify the problem areas. 首先我们必须找出问题所在。

  • You might identify a Ming dynasty vase, a suspect in a bank robbery, or an ivory-billed woodpecker. Whatever it is, when you recognize the identity of someone or something, you identify it.
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  • vt. 确认;找到
  • 1. She was able to identify her attacker.


  • 2. First of all we must identify the problem areas.


  • 3. Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.


  • 4. They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system.


  • 5. I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters.


  • identify (v.) 1640s, "regard as the same," from French identifier, from identité (see identity). Sense of "determine the identity of, recognize as or prove to be the same" first recorded 1769. Meaning "make one (with), associate (oneself), regard oneself as being the essence of" is from 1780. Sense of "serve as means of identification" is attested by 1886. Related: Identified; identifying.
iden·tify AWL / aɪˈdentɪfaɪ ; NAmE aɪˈdentɪfaɪ / verb ( iden·ti·fies , iden·ti·fy·ing , iden·ti·fied , iden·ti·fied ) 1 ( also informal ID ) to recognize sb/sth and be able to say who or what they are 确认;认出;鉴定 identifysb/sth as sb/sth The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers. 那两具尸体被辨认出原是两名贩毒嫌疑犯。 identifysb/sth She was able to identify her attacker. 她认出了袭击她的人。 Passengers were asked to identify their own suitcases before they were put on the plane. 乘客被要求先确认自己的旅行箱再送上飞机。 Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). 很多被逮捕的人拒不透露身分。 First of all we must identify the problem areas. 首先我们必须找出问题所在。 2 to find or discover sb/sth 找到;发现 identifysth Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. 科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。 As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company. 迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。 identifywhat, which, etc… They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system. 他们正试图弄清现行制度的弊端所在。 3 identifysb/sth (as sb/sth) to make it possible to recognize who or what sb/sth is 显示;说明身分 In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them as belonging to a particular social class. 很多情况下,人们的穿着显示出他们的社会阶级。 PHRASAL VERBS iˈdentify with sb to feel that you can understand and share the feelings of sb else 与某人产生共鸣;谅解;同情 SYN sympathize with I didn't enjoy the book because I couldn't identify with any of the main characters. 我不喜欢这本书,因为我无法与其中的任何主要角色产生共鸣。 iˈdentify sb with sth to consider sb to be sth 把某人视为 He was not the ‘tough guy’ the public identified him with. 他并不是公众所认定的那种硬汉。 iˈdentify sth with sth to consider sth to be the same as sth else 认为某事物等同于 SYN equate You should not identify wealth with happiness. 你不应该认为财富就等于幸福。 be iˈdentified with sb/sth | iˈdentify yourself with sb/sth to support sb/sth; to be closely connected with sb/sth 支持;与…有密切关联 The Church became increasingly identified with opposition to the regime. 教会日益和反对政权的势力走到一起。 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 identify know recognize name make sb/sth out These words all mean to be able to see or hear sb/sth and especially to be able to say who or what they are. 以上各词均含认出、辨别出之意。 identify to be able to say who or what sb/sth is 指确认、认出、鉴定: She was able to identify her attacker. 她认出了袭击她的人。 know to be able to say who or what sth is when you see or hear it because you have seen or heard it before 指能认出、能辨认出 NOTE Knowis used especially to talk about sounds that seem familiar and when sb recognizes the quality or opportunity that sb/sth represents. *know 尤指认出熟悉的声音、辨别出人或事物所表现出的特质以及发现机会: I couldn't see who was speaking, but I knew the voice. 我看不到谁在讲话,但我能辨别出声音。 She knows a bargain when she sees one. 她一看就知道有没有便宜可捡。 recognize to know who sb is or what sth is when you see or hear them/it, because you have seen or heard them/it before 指认识、认出、辨别出: I recognized him as soon as he came in the room. 他一进屋我就认出了他。 name to say the name of sb/sth in order to show that you know who/what they are 指能说出…的名称、叫出…的名字: The victim has not yet been named. 受害人的姓名仍未得知。 make sb/sth out to manage to see or hear sb/sth that is not very clear 指看清、听清、分清、辨认清楚: I could just make out a figure in the darkness. 黑暗中我只看出了一个人的轮廓。 PATTERNS to identify/know/recognize sb/sth bysth to identify/recognize/name sb/sth assb/sth to identify/know/recognize/make out who / who to easily / easily identify/recognize/make out sb/sth identify identifies identified identifying iden·tify / aɪˈdentɪfaɪ ; NAmE aɪˈdentɪfaɪ /
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