iceberg 英 [ˈaɪsbɜ:g]   美 [ˈaɪsbɜrg]


iceberg  英 [ˈaɪsbɜ:g] 美 [ˈaɪsbɜrg]

n. [地理] 冰山;显露部分 


The ship ran upon the iceberg. 轮船撞到冰山上。
Their ship circled the iceberg. 他们的船绕过了冰山。

  • An iceberg is a huge chunk of ice that breaks off of a glacier and floats around the ocean. Most of an iceberg is under water and can't be seen; that's how a sneaky iceberg managed to sink the Titanic.
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  • n. [地理] 冰山;显露部分
  • 1. The ship ran upon the iceberg.


  • 2. Their ship circled the iceberg.


  • 3. The glacier calved a large iceberg.


  • iceberg (n.) 1774, "glacier humped like a hill;" 1820 as "detached piece of a glacier or ice pack at sea," partial loan-translation of Dutch ijsberg, literally "ice mountain," from ijs "ice" (see ice (n.)) + berg "mountain" (from PIE root *bhergh- (2) "high," with derivatives referring to hills and hill-forts.). Similar formation in Norwegian isberg, Danish isbjerg.
ice·berg / ˈaɪsbɜːɡ ; NAmE ˈaɪsbɜːrɡ / noun an extremely large mass of ice floating in the sea 冰山(浮在海上的巨大冰块) IDIOMsee tip n. iceberg icebergs ice·berg / ˈaɪsbɜːɡ ; NAmE ˈaɪsbɜːrɡ /
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