i.e. 英 [ˌaɪ ˈi:]   美 [ˌaɪˈi]


i.e.  英 [ˌaɪ ˈi:] 美 [ˌaɪˈi]

adv. 也就是  abbr. (拉丁)即(id est) 

He feels that life is passing him by,i.e.,that he is not profiting from or enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life. 他觉得生活与他形同陌路,也就是说,他从未从生活中得到好处、机会与乐趣。
The type of business i.e. cannot change when it is sent from one task to another, i.e., the output, the input, and the connection between them always have the same business i.e. attached. 在将业务项从一个任务发送至另一个任务后,将无法更改它的类型,也就是说,输出、输入以及它们之间的连接始终与相同的业务项关联。

  • The abbreviation i.e. stands for the Latin "id est," which means "that is." It's mainly used in academic writing, although people who don't mind sounding a little pompous may use it in casual writing or even in speech.
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  • adv. 也就是
  • abbr. (拉丁)即(id est)
  • 1. He feels that life is passing him by,i.e.,that he is not profiting from or enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life.


  • 2. The type of business i.e. cannot change when it is sent from one task to another, i.e., the output, the input, and the connection between them always have the same business i.e. attached.


  • 3. Finally, we write the user response to the buffer, i.e., pass it to our driver.


  • i.e. abbreviation of Latin id est, literally "that is;" used in English in the sense of "that is to say." Latin id "it" is from PIE pronominal stem *i- (see yon). For est, see is.
i.e. / ˌaɪ ˈiː ; NAmE ˌaɪ ˈiː / abbreviation used to explain exactly what the previous thing that you have mentioned means (from Latin id est ) 也就是,亦即(源自拉丁文 id est) the basic essentials of life, i.e. housing, food and water 生活的基本需要,即住房、食物和水 LANGUAGE BANK 用语库 i.e. Explaining what you mean 解释意思 Some poems are mnemonics, i.e.they are designed to help you remember something. 有些诗歌是记忆代码,即是说,其目的是帮助人们记起某事。 Some poems are mnemonics, that is to say,they are designed to help you remember something. 有些诗歌是记忆代码,就是说,其目的是帮助人们记起某事。 Mnemonic poems, that ispoems designed to help you remember something, are an excellent way to learn lists. 记事诗,即帮助人记起事情的诗歌,是记住一系列事物的极佳方式。 A limerick's rhyme scheme is A–A–B–B–A. In other words,the first, second, and fifth lines all rhyme with one another, while the third and fourth lines have their own rhyme. 五行打油诗的韵律是 A-A-B-B-A。就是说,第一行、第二行和第五行押一个韵,而第三行和第四行押另一个韵。 In this exercise the reader is encouraged to work out the meaning, or ratherthe range of meanings, of the poem. 这个练习鼓励读者弄清这首诗的意思,更确切地说是弄清其几种涵义。 This is a poem about death, or, more precisely,dying. 这是一首关于死亡的诗,更确切地说是关于临终的诗。 He says his poems deal with ‘the big issues’, by which he meanslove, loss, grief and death. 他说他的诗涉及一些“重大问题”,这些问题是指爱、失去、痛苦和死亡。 ➱ Language Bank at about i.e. / ˌaɪ ˈiː ; NAmE ˌaɪ ˈiː /
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