hyper-inflation 英 ['haɪpəɪnfl'eɪʃn]   美 ['haɪpəɪnfl'eɪʃn]


hyper-inflation  英 ['haɪpəɪnfl'eɪʃn] 美 ['haɪpəɪnfl'eɪʃn]

n. 超级通胀,超级膨胀 


With the breakdown of the gold standard after the first world war also came the awful revenge of paper, Germany’s hyper-inflation. 随着一战后金本位制的崩溃,纸币也对德国进行了可怕的报复——超级通胀。
Then, there were some economists who were worried that as a result of the FED's printing press (electronic or otherwise) working overtime, hyper-inflation would set in soon after. 然后,有一些经济学者很担心美联储日夜不停的印钞票,(包括通过电子等多种渠道)将导致恶性通货很快到来。

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  • n. 超级通胀,超级膨胀
  • 1. With the breakdown of the gold standard after the first world war also came the awful revenge of paper, Germany’s hyper-inflation.


  • 2. Then, there were some economists who were worried that as a result of the FED's printing press (electronic or otherwise) working overtime, hyper-inflation would set in soon after.


  • 3. But after several months of intensive tightening, risks of hyper- inflation are diminishing.


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