


adj. 水文的 

EarthSky spoke at a recent science meeting to Jay Famiglietti, director of the University of California’s Center for hydrologic Modeling. 在最近一次科学大会上,节目组采访了加利福尼亚大学水文模型中心主任杰伊·费明力提。
Natural disasters are catastrophic events with atmospheric, geologic, and hydrologic origins. Disasters include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, floods, and drought. 自然灾害是指大气、地质或水文等因素造成的灾变,包括地震、火山爆发、泥石流、海啸、洪水和干旱等。

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  • adj. 水文的
  • 1. EarthSky spoke at a recent science meeting to Jay Famiglietti, director of the University of California’s Center for hydrologic Modeling.


  • 2. Natural disasters are catastrophic events with atmospheric, geologic, and hydrologic origins. Disasters include earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, tsunamis, floods, and drought.


  • 3. There is growing evidence that global warming is speeding up the hydrologic cycle—that is, the rate at which water evaporates and falls again as rain or snow.


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