humped 英 [hʌm(p)t]   美 [hʌmpt]


humped  英 [hʌm(p)t] 美 [hʌmpt]

adj. 有瘤的;驼背的;有肉峰的  v. 使隆起;使烦闷(hump的过去分词) 

I humped the case upstairs. 我把箱子背到楼上。
I could close my eyes and almost see him, humped up and waddling along, fishing under the banks with his delicate little paws for crawfish, frogs, and minnows. 我几乎闭上眼睛就能看见它的模样,奔窜着,身体摇摆,在下面的河滩上用它灵活的小爪子抓螯虾、青蛙和小鱼吃。

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  • adj. 有瘤的;驼背的;有肉峰的
  • v. 使隆起;使烦闷(hump的过去分词)
  • 1. I humped the case upstairs.


  • 2. I could close my eyes and almost see him, humped up and waddling along, fishing under the banks with his delicate little paws for crawfish, frogs, and minnows.


  • 3. Africa was noted to have the world's highest mountain and longest river, while a brief description of North America describes ' humped oxen', wild horses and a region named 'Ka-na-ta'.


humped / hʌmpt ; NAmE hʌmpt / adjective having a humpor humps;shaped like a hump 有隆起物的;似驼峰的 a humped back 驼背 He was tall and broad with humped shoulders. 他身高体宽,双肩隆起。 humped / hʌmpt ; NAmE hʌmpt /
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