huck [hʌk]  


huck  [hʌk]

n. 一种粗麻布 


huck lay on the raft in the sun until he was dry. 哈克在阳光下躺在木筏上,一直躺到全身都干了。
To put it another way, huck and Jim and the characters they encountered talked and behaved like common, ordinary American people — not like European gentry. 换言之,不论哈克和吉姆还是他们遇到的人物,其言谈举止与普通美国百姓如出一辙,并不像欧洲贵族。

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  • n. 一种粗麻布
  • 1. huck lay on the raft in the sun until he was dry.


  • 2. To put it another way, huck and Jim and the characters they encountered talked and behaved like common, ordinary American people — not like European gentry.


  • 3. In his widely acclaimed masterpiece, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, he talks about a teenage boy by the name of huck Finn whose father is an alcoholic.


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