housekeeper 英 [ˈhaʊski:pə(r)]   美 [ˈhaʊsˌkipɚ]


housekeeper  英 [ˈhaʊski:pə(r)] 美 [ˈhaʊsˌkipɚ]

n. 女管家;主妇 


You need a housekeeper to nurse your property. 你需要雇用一名管家来精心料理你的家产。
Mother, meanwhile, is too busy showing the grandchildren the latest pics of her kayaking classes in the Rocky Mountains to bother about her once traditional place as resident housekeeper. 母亲,一样忙于展示她儿孙最近在皮艇课上做的生产信息系统。 在落基山脉烦恼这这个曾经作为家庭主妇呆过的地方。

  • A housekeeper is someone whose job involves cleaning other people's houses. In some cases, a housekeeper also cooks meals for her employers.
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  • n. 女管家;主妇
  • 1. You need a housekeeper to nurse your property.


  • 2. Mother, meanwhile, is too busy showing the grandchildren the latest pics of her kayaking classes in the Rocky Mountains to bother about her once traditional place as resident housekeeper.

    母亲,一样忙于展示她儿孙最近在皮艇课上做的生产信息系统。 在落基山脉烦恼这这个曾经作为家庭主妇呆过的地方。

  • 3. But the housekeeper lingered by the door, and the basket stayed shut.


  • housekeeper (n.) mid-15c., "householder," from house (n.) + keeper. A later equivalent of householder. The sense of "female head domestic servant of a house" is from c. 1600 (to keep house, as part of a wife's duty, is from late 14c.). Housekeep (v.) is from 1842 and appears to be a back-formation.
house·keep·er / ˈhaʊskiːpə(r) ; NAmE ˈhaʊskiːpər / noun 1 a person, usually a woman, whose job is to manage the shopping, cooking, cleaning, etc. in a house or an institution 管家,杂务主管(通常为女性) 2 a person whose job is to manage the cleaning of rooms in a hotel (旅馆的)房间清洁工 housekeeper housekeepers house·keep·er / ˈhaʊskiːpə(r) ; NAmE ˈhaʊskiːpər /
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