household 英 [ˈhaʊshəʊld]   美 [ˈhaʊshoʊld]


household  英 [ˈhaʊshəʊld] 美 [ˈhaʊshoʊld]

n. 全家人,家庭 


low-income/one-parent, etc. households 低收入、单亲等家庭
Most households now own at least one car. 大多数家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。

  • How many people does your house hold? That’s your household! A household refers to a family or group of people living together. It’s a social unit under one roof.
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  • n. 全家人,家庭
  • 1. low-income/one-parent, etc. households


  • 2. Most households now own at least one car.


  • 3. the head of the household


  • 4. household bills/chores/goods


  • household (n.) late 14c., "members of a family collectively (including servants)," also "furniture and articles belonging to a house;" see house (n.) + hold (n.1). As an adjective, "of or pertaining to house and family, domestic," from late 14c. Compare householder. Household word, one that is in very familiar use, is from 1590s; variant household name is from 1862.
house·hold / ˈhaʊshəʊld ; NAmE ˈhaʊshoʊld / noun all the people living together in a house or flat/apartment 一家人;家庭;同住一所(或一套)房子的人 Most households now own at least one car. 大多数家庭现在至少有一辆汽车。 low-income/one-parent, etc. households 低收入、单亲等家庭 the head of the household 户主 house·hold adjective [only before noun ] household bills/chores/goods (= connected with looking after a house and the people living in it) 家庭账单╱杂务╱用品 household households house·hold / ˈhaʊshəʊld ; NAmE ˈhaʊshoʊld /
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