hourly 英 [ˈaʊəli]   美 [ˈaʊərli]


hourly  英 [ˈaʊəli] 美 [ˈaʊərli]

adv. 每小时地;频繁地,随时  adj. 每小时的,以钟点计算的;频繁的 

Take out a blank sheet of paper, the “time budget” you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly wage you calculated earlier. 拿出一张空白的纸,你昨天准备好的"时间预算"以及你早先算好的你每小时的实际工资.
If the application performing hourly monitoring were to perform a global reset, the application querying monitoring data once every day would only see the data from the last hour. 如果执行每小时监控的应用程序执行全局重置,那么每天查询一次监控数据的应用程序只能看到前一小时的数据。

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  • adv. 每小时地;频繁地,随时
  • adj. 每小时的,以钟点计算的;频繁的
  • 1. Take out a blank sheet of paper, the “time budget” you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly wage you calculated earlier.


  • 2. If the application performing hourly monitoring were to perform a global reset, the application querying monitoring data once every day would only see the data from the last hour.


  • 3. I suggested that we use their platform on the incoming text messages from Haiti to get a general sense of changing mood on an hourly basis.


  • hourly (adv.) late 15c., "every hour;" as an adjective, 1510s, "happening or done every hour," from hour + -ly.
hour·ly / ˈaʊəli ; NAmE ˈaʊərli / adjective , adverb HELP  Use an,not a,before hourly. *hourly 之前用 an,不用 a。 adjective [only before noun ] 1 done or happening every hour 每小时(一次)的 an hourly bus service 每小时一班的公共汽车 Trains leave at hourly intervals. 火车每一小时发出一列。 2 an hourly wage, fee, rate, etc.is the amount that you earn every hour or pay for a service every hour (工资、酬金、费用等)按钟点计算的,论小时的 an hourly rate of $30 an hour 每小时 30 元的收费率 adverb every hour 每小时(一次)地 Reapply sunscreen hourly and after swimming. 每小时以及游泳后抹一次防晒霜。 Dressings are changed four hourly (= every four hours)to help prevent infection. 每四小时更换一次敷料,以防感染。 hour·ly / ˈaʊəli ; NAmE ˈaʊərli /
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