horticultural 英 [ˌhɔ:tɪ'kʌltʃərəl]   美 [ˌhɔtɪ'kʌltʃərəl]


horticultural  英 [ˌhɔ:tɪ'kʌltʃərəl] 美 [ˌhɔtɪ'kʌltʃərəl]

adj. 园艺的 


His first collecting trip to China in 1843, for the Royal horticultural Society, had taken him to the fringes of tea territory as part of his general collecting mandate. 1843年福琛受命于皇家园艺学会,开始了第一次去往中国的调查旅行。 根据任务的要求,福琛进入了茶叶种植区域的边缘地带。
Mr Fowler has sold chilli seeds to the Eden Project in Cornwall, to the Edinburgh horticultural Society, and to farmers in Afghanistan, as an alternative to growing poppies for opium. 福勒先生目前将辣椒种子卖给了英国康沃尔郡的伊甸园工程、爱丁堡园艺学会以及阿富汗的农民以作为罂粟的替代作物。

  • Did you know Memorial Day weekend is the biggest horticultural event of the year? It's the time many people plant their flower and vegetable gardens. The adjective horticultural describes anything related to gardening.
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  • adj. 园艺的
  • 1. His first collecting trip to China in 1843, for the Royal horticultural Society, had taken him to the fringes of tea territory as part of his general collecting mandate.

    1843年福琛受命于皇家园艺学会,开始了第一次去往中国的调查旅行。 根据任务的要求,福琛进入了茶叶种植区域的边缘地带。

  • 2. Mr Fowler has sold chilli seeds to the Eden Project in Cornwall, to the Edinburgh horticultural Society, and to farmers in Afghanistan, as an alternative to growing poppies for opium.


  • 3. The mental health benefits of gardening are so strong that a field of medicine called horticultural therapy has been developed to help people who have psychiatric disorders deal with their conditions.


  • horticultural (adj.) "pertaining to the culture of gardens," 1768, from horticulture + -al (1).
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