hooliganism 英 ['hu:lɪɡənɪzəm]   美 ['hulɪɡənɪzəm]


hooliganism  英 ['hu:lɪɡənɪzəm] 美 ['hulɪɡənɪzəm]

n. 流氓行为 


"I'm very concerned that unless people turn up with that attitude we'll have the Olympic torch equivalent of football hooliganism," he said. “我非常担心,如果人们不能以这样的态度来表达,奥运火炬传递就将等同于足球流氓行为,”他说。
However, it is not the whole truth to paint modern football as a shiny, happy carnival of multi-ethnic family fun in which hooliganism is a distant memory. 但是这些事实还是不够把现代足球描绘成一个在多民族家庭乐趣中,发着光的快乐狂欢节,而流氓主义已经成为了遥远的回忆。

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  • n. 流氓行为
  • 1. "I'm very concerned that unless people turn up with that attitude we'll have the Olympic torch equivalent of football hooliganism," he said.


  • 2. However, it is not the whole truth to paint modern football as a shiny, happy carnival of multi-ethnic family fun in which hooliganism is a distant memory.


  • 3. As the Monument to Soviet tank crews was still a national cultural monument at that time, his act of civil disobedience was considered “hooliganism” and he was briefly arrested.


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