honeypot 英 [ˈhʌnipɒt]   美 [ˈhʌnipɑt]


honeypot  英 [ˈhʌnipɒt] 美 [ˈhʌnipɑt]

n. 装蜜的罐子;极有吸引力的事物 


“We can use mirror cells as a honeypot, ” he says. “我们可以利用镜像细胞作为诱饵,”他说。
In addition, honeypot operators try to identify changing behavioral patterns of spammers. 此外,honeypot 操作者还会努力辨别垃圾信息散布者不断变化的行为模式。

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  • n. 装蜜的罐子;极有吸引力的事物
  • 1. “We can use mirror cells as a honeypot, ” he says.


  • 2. In addition, honeypot operators try to identify changing behavioral patterns of spammers.

    此外,honeypot 操作者还会努力辨别垃圾信息散布者不断变化的行为模式。

  • 3. One form of honeypot pretends to be a dumb open HTTP proxy relay, but when a spammer uses it, the activity is logged and used to update blacklists.

    一个 honeypot 伪装成一个假的开放 HTTP 代理中继,但是当垃圾信息散布者使用它时,该活动就被记录下来并被用来更新黑名单。

  • honeypot (n.) also honey-pot, late 15c., from honey (n.) + pot (n.1).
honey·pot / ˈhʌnipɒt ; NAmE ˈhʌnipɑːt / noun [usually singular ] ( BrE) a place, thing or person that a lot of people are attracted to 富有吸引力的地方(或事物、人) honey·pot / ˈhʌnipɒt ; NAmE ˈhʌnipɑːt /
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