homeland 英 [ˈhəʊmlænd]   美 [ˈhoʊmlænd]


homeland  英 [ˈhəʊmlænd] 美 [ˈhoʊmlænd]

n. 祖国;故乡 


I also love my homeland and my parents. 我也热爱我的祖国、敬爱我的父母。
Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland. 很多难民被迫逃离了祖国。

  • A homeland is the country where a group originally comes from, or where a person was born. If your grandparents and great-grandparents are Greek, you might consider Greece your homeland.
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  • n. 祖国;故乡
  • 1. I also love my homeland and my parents.


  • 2. Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland.


  • homeland (n.) 1660s, from home (n.) + land (n.). Old English hamland meant "enclosed pasture." Not in Century Dictionary (U.S., 1910); in more extensive use in U.S. after 2001.
home·land / ˈhəʊmlænd ; NAmE ˈhoʊmlænd / noun 1 [usually singular ] the country where a person was born 祖国;家乡 Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland. 很多难民被迫逃离了祖国。 2 (in the Republic of South Africa under the apartheidsystem in the past) one of the areas with some self-governmentthat were intended for a group of black African people to live in (南非共和国过去在种族隔离制度下设立、有一定自治权的)黑人定居地 the Transkei homeland 特兰斯凯黑人定居地 homeland homelands home·land / ˈhəʊmlænd ; NAmE ˈhoʊmlænd /
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