homecoming 英 [ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ]   美 [ˈhoʊmkʌmɪŋ]


homecoming  英 [ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ] 美 [ˈhoʊmkʌmɪŋ]

n. 归国;同学会;省亲回家 


With every homecoming, there is also a farewell. 每次省亲回家但终究是要说声再见。
Dad cupped the back of my head with his large hand, and I thought this homecoming tableau might go on forever. 爸爸用他的大手包住我的后脑勺,我想这个欢迎回家的生动场面还会永远继续下去。

  • When someone returns home in a celebratory way — from war, college, or a long trip, for example — they have a homecoming. If your brother works at sea as a fisherman for several months each year, your whole family might gather for his homecoming.
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  • n. 归国;同学会;省亲回家
  • 1. With every homecoming, there is also a farewell.


  • 2. Dad cupped the back of my head with his large hand, and I thought this homecoming tableau might go on forever.


  • 3. You also use homecoming Dresses some innovative thought and beyond the traditional wedding color or design, right?


  • homecoming (n.) mid-13c., "a coming home," from home (n.) + coming. Compare Old English hamcyme "homecoming, a return." Attested from 1935 in U.S. high school dance sense. Used earlier in Britain in reference to the annual return of natives to the Isle of Man.
home·com·ing / ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ ; NAmE ˈhoʊmkʌmɪŋ / noun 1 [countable ,  uncountable ] the act of returning to your home after being away for a long time (长时间离家后的)回家,返家,回国 2 [countable ] ( NAmE) a social event that takes place every year at a high school,college or university for people who used to be students there (一年一度的)校友返校活动 homecoming homecomings home·com·ing / ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ ; NAmE ˈhoʊmkʌmɪŋ /
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