hold against  

hold against

hold against 

phrase. 责怪;暂时填补 

Credit Suisse analysts calculate the rule would substantially reduce the estimated equity buffers that banks hold against potential losses. 根据瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师的估算,银行持有的、用来抵御潜在亏损的股本缓冲将因此项规定而大幅减少。
In response, the banking regulator has been pushing banks to increase the amount of capital they hold against their loans, a ratio that has been sliding as banks' lending has grown. 为应对这个问题,中国银监业监管机构已经要求各家银行提高拨备率,因为随着贷款的增加,贷款拨备覆盖率已经出现下滑。

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  • phrase. 责怪;暂时填补
  • 1. Credit Suisse analysts calculate the rule would substantially reduce the estimated equity buffers that banks hold against potential losses.

    根据瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师的估算,银行持有的、用来抵御潜在亏损的股本缓冲将因此项规定而大幅减少。

  • 2. In response, the banking regulator has been pushing banks to increase the amount of capital they hold against their loans, a ratio that has been sliding as banks' lending has grown.


  • 3. I don't think they hold it against you that you have deployed, in the past, but they definitely inquire more about your future with the company, and I think they are more hesitant to hire you.

    但雇主一定会询问更多关于你的未来情况或者打算。 这一结果就是,当雇主了解了你在军队中的经历之后,可能会更加犹豫是否雇用你。

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