hoarsely ['horsli]  


hoarsely  ['horsli]

adv. 嘶哑地;刺耳地 

Another new episode finds Larry’s enigmatic friend, the stone-faced Marty Funkhouser, hoarsely “rededicating [his] life to Judaism.” 在另一情节中,拉里的一神秘的面无表情的朋友马蒂芬克豪泽嘶哑地喊出,“再次献身犹太教”。
From the palace of the Sea-King came the cry of mourning again, and far out upon the sea the great Tritons blew hoarsely upon their horns. 海王的宫殿里再次传来哀嚎,远远的海上特里同吹出了嘶哑的号角。

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  • adv. 嘶哑地;刺耳地
  • 1. Another new episode finds Larry’s enigmatic friend, the stone-faced Marty Funkhouser, hoarsely “rededicating [his] life to Judaism.”


  • 2. From the palace of the Sea-King came the cry of mourning again, and far out upon the sea the great Tritons blew hoarsely upon their horns.


  • 3. “As a result?” said Robin, a bit hoarsely.

    “结果呢?” 罗宾说,声音有点沙哑。

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