ho ho ho  

ho ho ho

ho ho ho 

All Santa can offer is "ho ho ho"…JESUS offers health, help, and hope. 圣诞老人能给我们的只有“嗬,嗬,嗬”……耶稣却给我们健康、帮助和希望。
Provine realized that the reason chimps cannot emit string of "ho ho ho's" is that they cannot make more than a single sound when they exhale or inhale. 普罗文认识到,黑猩之所以不能发出一连串的“呵呵呵”声音的原因,在于它们在呼气或吸气时无法发出一个以上的音节。

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  • 1. All Santa can offer is "ho ho ho"…JESUS offers health, help, and hope.


  • 2. Provine realized that the reason chimps cannot emit string of "ho ho ho's" is that they cannot make more than a single sound when they exhale or inhale.


  • 3. Santas in Australia's largest city have been told not to use Father Christmas' traditional "ho ho ho" greeting. Some people are worried it may be offensive to women.


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