hiding 英 [ˈhaɪdɪŋ]  


hiding  英 [ˈhaɪdɪŋ]

n. 隐匿;躲藏处;殴打 


They must be hiding something. 一定是在遮掩什么!
There should be no hiding place for the corrupt; treat them like terrorists,” he appealed. 腐败分子不应有藏身之地;应该像对待恐怖分子那样对待他们,"他这样要求道。

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  • n. 隐匿;躲藏处;殴打
  • 1. They must be hiding something.


  • 2. There should be no hiding place for the corrupt; treat them like terrorists,” he appealed.


  • 3. In my experience, all fields should be declared private for purposes of information hiding and encapsulation.


  • hiding (n.1) "concealment," early 13c., verbal noun from hide (v.1). Hiding-place is from mid-15c.; an Old English word for this was hydels.
  • hiding (n.2) "a flogging," 1809, from hide (n.1), perhaps in reference to a whip or thong made of animal hide, or of "tanning" someone's "hide." Old English had hyde ðolian "to undergo a flogging," and hydgild "fine paid to save one's skin (from a punishment by flogging)." The English expression a hiding to nothing (by 1905) referred to a situation where there was disgrace in defeat and no honor in victory.
hid·ing / ˈhaɪdɪŋ ; NAmE ˈhaɪdɪŋ / noun 1 [uncountable ] the state of being hidden 隐藏;躲藏 After the trial, she had to go into hidingfor several weeks. 审讯后她不得不躲藏了几个星期。 He only came out of hidingten years after the war was over. 战争结束十年之后他才露面。 We spent months in hiding. 我们躲藏了好几个月。 2 [countable ,  usually singular ] ( informal) ( especially BrE) a physical punishment, usually involving being hit hard many times 体罚;痛打 SYN beating to give sb/get a (good) hiding 给某人╱遭到一顿(狠)揍 ( figurative) The team got a hiding in their last game. 那支球队在最后一场比赛中被打得一败涂地。 IDIOM on a ˌhiding to ˈnothing ( BrE) ( informal) having no chance of success, or not getting much advantage even if you do succeed 毫无成功机会;(即使成功了)也得不到多大好处 hid·ing / ˈhaɪdɪŋ ; NAmE ˈhaɪdɪŋ /
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